Southern Charity Foundation (SCF)


About Us

Southern Charity Foundation (SCF) is a social, non- government, non-profitable, non-political, voluntary and charitable organization. SCF officially began its voyage in Satkhira District, Bangladesh on 30th June 2015 by a group of service minded and dedicated youths. Limited social facilities and economic development encouraged our team to start this organization to address poor, needy and less fortune people in the community. This is registered under the Ministry of Social Welfare, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

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Our Mission

To provide support, build capacity, and integrate individuals in society who are traditionally undeveloped in personal, economical and social aspects. To take all kind of initiatives in the interest of the mass people regardless of race, religion, colour and nation towards empowerment and self-determinations of community people, enabling them to solve their own socio-economic problems.

Our Vision

To establish a poverty-free society that is socially and economically self-reliant, and conscious of basic rights. We aim to encourage active participation in socio-economic development programs.

Our Goal

To aid, assist and uplift the distressed, troubled, poor, needy, less fortunate and vulnerable people of Bangladesh, especially in the southern region, socially and economically. Our goal is to provide them with the necessary support to sustain their lives and improve their conditions.

What We Do


Empowering Minds for a Brighter Tomorrow – Our education initiatives focus on providing quality learning opportunities to underprivileged communities. From school sponsorships to skill development programs, we believe in unlocking the potential of every child for a better future.


Nurturing Well-being, One Community at a Time – Our health programs strive to ensure access to essential healthcare services. From medical camps to awareness campaigns, we work towards building healthier communities and promoting preventive healthcare practices.

Community Service

Uniting Hearts, Transforming Lives – Our community service initiatives aim to address local needs through volunteerism and community engagement. Whether it’s organizing clean-up drives or supporting local initiatives, we believe in fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

Social Development

Building Strong Foundations for Societal Growth – Social development is at the core of our mission. We work towards creating inclusive societies through advocacy, awareness programs, and projects that address systemic issues hindering progress.


Empowering Lives through Sustainable Livelihoods – Our livelihood and empowerment programs focus on providing skills, resources, and opportunities to marginalized communities, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and build self-sustainable futures.

Infrastructure Development

Bridging Gaps, Building Futures – Infrastructure development is key to fostering sustainable growth. Our projects range from building schools and community centers to improving transportation networks, aiming to enhance the overall quality of life for communities in need.

Water & Sanitation

Clean Water, Healthy Lives – We believe access to clean water and sanitation is a basic human right. Our initiatives address water scarcity and sanitation challenges through the implementation of sustainable projects that promote health and well-being.

Youth Program

Nurturing Future Leaders – Our youth programs focus on equipping young minds with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of the future. From mentorship programs to skill-building workshops, we invest in the potential of the next generation.


Rapid Response, Lasting Impact – In times of crisis, our emergency relief efforts aim to provide immediate assistance and support to communities affected by disasters. From natural disasters to conflict zones, we stand ready to lend a helping hand when it’s needed most.

Generous Donators
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Successful Missions
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Beneficiary Covered
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